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Grim Horizons

💎 Redeem Gems

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Gems should be easy to earn and easy to spend! We want to encourage activity and participation! As such all of our gem rewards will be based around these things! The more you post and participate the more gems you will get which means the more cool rewards that you can earn!


💎 10 Gems - Register your account.

💎 10 Gems - Create a player plotter

💎 5 Gems - Create your first thread in your plotter

💎 5 Gems - Create your first Character


💎 15 Gems - Create someone elses wanted character


💎 5 Gems - Start a thread

💎 10 Gems - Join an open thread (This is for jumping into a thread that was not designated specifically for you or your character).

💎 5 Gems - Join a thread designated for you or your character

💎 5 Gems - Participate in a thread that reaches 20 posts.

💎 15 Gems - Participate in a thread that reaches 20 posts within 1 week.

💎 25 Gems - Participate in a thread that reaches 50 posts.

💎 35 Gems - Participate in a thread that reaches 50 posts within 2 weeks.

💎 10 Gems - Complete/Resolve a thread

How to redeem earned gems

The thread must be completed or abandoned. Abandoned threads are permitted when all participants no longer want to participate or one of the thread participants has been absent for 2 weeks.

Post a new thread in this forum with the following template. Note: Only one player per thread needs to post and all players will be rewarded.


Players Involved: Please post all players OOC names that were involved in the thread

Gem redemptions: Please post all believed thread redemption reasons that you believe you qualified for.

Total Gems you believe should be rewarded: Please post the accumulated total of all above gem redemption numbers.

Link to thread: This is also for any supporting evidence.

Gems will be added to your OOC profile and will be viewable in OOC Posts.

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