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Please create a new thread with the form listed below so the staff can review your request. Please allow up to a week (unless noted otherwise by a staff member) for any staff related content to be created. We will try to be as fast as possible but work and RL can interfere so bear with us and we will keep you updated.


💎 25 - Restricted Species - Create 1 character from a restricted race.

💎 250 Create a species for the site - Allows you to create a custom species that will be included on the site as a species. All details must be approved and posted into the Compendium before they can be playable. Members that create an approved race/species will be able to create up to 5 characters within that race, with no restricted race gem charge.

💎 500 Create a species for self - Allows you to create a custom species that only you and approved players can create characters for. All details must be approved and posted into the Compendium before they can be playable. Once approved you can have up to five characters for yourself within the species and give out 5 characters to other players on the site (for a total of ten total) with no restricted species charge.


💎 35 - Powerful ability - Ability to have an power/spell/ability that is considered powerful. Items are not included, please see items below.


💎 35 - Powerful ability - Ability to have an power/spell/ability that is considered powerful. Items are not included, please see items below.


💎 500 - Staff run mini-plot - This is a plot that the staff starts for you and you (or you and a friend) can progress through.

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